Wednesday 30 September 2015

Show Me Your Pinks! - Breast Cancer Awareness Month (& Link-Up)

As many of you will already know, October is breast cancer awareness month. That little pink ribbon will start to pop up everywhere, as well as lots of pink manicures over in the nail polish world.  I myself will be sporting pink nails throughout October. To find out more about the cause itself head over to Claire's post at her blog 'Penny For Them' here.

As a sort of introduction I thought I'd show you all my pink polishes. Read on for more info and find out how you can get involved! (Link-Up party can be found here)

Show Me Your Pinks @acertainbeccaa

So, I have a lot of pinks?! These are only the ones on my polish shelves (and any close by that I could quickly grab). I didn't delve into my other polish stashes but trust me there's more - woops! Here's a closer look at some of the mainstreams:

I would love for you all join in and show me your pinks! I will be doing a collage of all my pink manis towards the end of the month. This will hopefully feature some other lovely ladies including Claire over at Penny For Them and Kirsty from Fairytale Nails. If you have any of your own you'd like me to include, leave me a comment or send me an email at If there's any of mine that you'd like to see me wear, let me know and I'll try my best!

See you in the next post!
Becca x


  1. Great post hun and it's for a great cause, can never have too many pinks :) love it! X

    1. Thank you lovely, look forward to your pink mani! :) x

  2. Awesome post- check out all those pinks!!!! It's scary when you put them altogether!!!
    I think it's great when all women stand together to show solidarity like this, and it can only be a good thing!

    1. LOVE my pinks, looking forward to a month full of them! Such a good cause, hope lots of people get involved! Like you say, can only help xx

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you!! Didn't realise quite how many I actually had! X

    2. I bet you have loads more hidden around lol. Not including what you buy over October!!
      Gotta love pink!

    3. Yep this is just off of my shelves! Haha! X

  4. I'm wearing Sally Hanson sugar coat pink to start the month off!!
